Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Peace Corps Invitation

Hello Family and Friends, 

Thank you for your prayers and support. I'm writing this email to let you know that I have just accepted my invitation to serve as a Peace Corps volunteer. 

Here are the details:
  • I'll be in Mexico, somewhere around the city of Querataro
  • I leave August 17th, 2010 and can accept visitors 6 months after that. 
  • Training is from August 18-November 10 and after training I will move to my volunteer site (where I do not know yet)
  • My job title is "Small Business and Community / Group Organizing Volunteer" and I will be working with the National Park Service or in an Environment and Natural Resources state office. 

I will be keeping a blog (the same travel blog I've been keeping since my semester in Argentina) so you can refer to this page for more updated information as I get closer to leaving and when I arrive. 

Thank you all and please look for more info on a Party in the beginning of August!! Love you all