Monday, November 06, 2006

Random Blogging...

I should be working on 1 of 2 10 page papers I have to write, but I’d rather write about my life in Argentina. I mean it’s pretty cool that I can say that I’ve lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Who else can say that? (besides the 38 million porteños that do live here). On Friday we wore our sweats and jeans to a movie in Patio Bulrich… bad idea. Buenos Aires has a snobby aura in general but it is amplified to the max in this place. But whatever, we had a very comfortable movie and then we went home to our separate families where we cenared and spoke Spanish. Saturday, I spent ALL day in a suburb of BA dancing tango on a roof top. Sounds romantic and wonderfully Argentine right? Not at all. We have this tango class that we have to perform a show which we choreograph. The show is about the 7 deadly sins and ours is arrogance. Seems interesting enough and I guess it would be if 3 minutes of choreography didn’t take 5 weeks to choreograph. I did have a good time sitting on the terraza with the girls drinking mate though. Since I’m not really dancing much in the show, I got to play mate girl while the bailarinas danced. Sunday, we cooked some real Mexican food for Juan – enchiladas! Mmmm… and today we pretended we were in Sex in the City as we met up for café to talk about our single lives.

I couldn’t be happier that I made the decision to come here and study abroad. The classes have been challenging but we try not to let that get in the way of our abroad experience. I’ve met some amazing people and learned great things about myself and life in general. I've definitely had to deal with some stressful situations and I think I've grown a lot. And we still have a month left, which will be filled with all the touristy things we have yet to do, pampering ourselves for working sooo hard in our classes, and enjoying every last second of our time here. But I (and most everyone else) am ready to go home so I really need to focus on the fact that I’m here and not let anything pass me by as I’m already planning my December in Cali.

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